Reading, MI

2025 Friendraiser
We welcome friends, new and old. In the eyes of God, friendship is an outwardly-focused concept. It's about service to others rather than service to self. Come and see how you can be a
friend of Camp Selah.

Johnny T’s Banquet Room in Hillsdale provides the perfect blend of sophisticated atmosphere and outstanding cuisine. Tickets include salad, dinner, & dessert.
Theme of the Evening
We put the FUN in fundraising! Join us in celebrating and recognizing God's work at Selah. We’ll entertain you while sharing how you can get involved in what God is doing. Come ready to enjoy yourself and give generously!

Help us transport you out of the doldrums of winter to an evening lakeside at the beach. Dress code includes tropical evening wear, Hawaiian shirts, floral print gowns, and vibrant colors.

- Sat, Mar 15Hillsdale