Reading, MI
Camp Selah Since 1948
Camp Selah was founded in 1948 by local churches and individuals who felt their community needed a Christian camp for boys and girls. In August of that year Selah was incorporated as a non-profit organization and purchased 250ft frontage on Long Lake in Reading, Michigan. From its beginning Camp Selah's greatest asset has been the commitment of its many volunteers and faithful supporters. Selah is overseen by a board of directors some of which have had involvement at the Camp reaching back 40+ years.

In 1950, the first building was erected and the first summer camp was held. Tents were used for camper housing and chapel services. Over the next six years a dining hall, chapel building and dormitories were completed. In 1982, Duane Cross, along with his wife, DeeAnn, came to serve as the first year-round camp director. During his fourteen years of service the ministry grew in many ways; Camp Selah was able to expand its property and make improvements to programming. The ministry began to grow beyond a camp that primarily served specific local churches to one that reached out to boys and girls of the entire tri-state area.

In 1996, God led Jeff Knoll and his wife, Myrna, to the directorship from Camp Michindoh. At that time, the opportunities for ministry were so great that Camp Selah had grown beyond what one man could manage. With the addition of Jim and Liz Knoll as part-time staff, the ministry was able to maintain the forty-year-old facilities as well as serve many churches and guest groups. The summer camping ministry doubled in attendance in less than four years and many young people heard the good news of Jesus Christ.

Phil Charles, pastor and long time board member, and his wife, Carolyn, followed the Lord's leading to the directorship in 2006. Throughout his involvement in the ministry, Phil oversaw many improvements to the buildings and grounds including a new addition to the main building. Carolyn acted as the camp financial secretary. Phil and Carolyn served whole-heartedly until their retirement in the fall of 2014. Their guidance and example while they were at Selah helped deliver much spiritual growth to the staff.

Having the privilege of growing up as Camp Selah campers in the 1990's, starting as summer staff in the 2000's, and becoming leadership staff in 2005, Mark & Shelley Emmons count it a blessing to be able to serve as the current Camp Selah directors. They both had the amazing opportunity to experience Selah under each of the previous directors. Their journey from campers to directors has allowed them to be both recipients and agents of the transformative power of Jesus Christ through camp!

Camp Selah Directors since 1982: Left to Right Jeff & Myrna Knoll, Mark & Shelley Emmons, Phil & Carolyn Charles, Duane & Dee Ann Cross